Before I started offering web design, hosting and SEO services in Central Iowa, I launched a successful men’s blog – search results shown in the screenshot examples.
And before that, I launched a Ford Mustang forum.
And before that, I built a community around a Bitcoin game.
And before that, I had a little website selling car parts.
And before that, I dabbled in dropshipping.
And before that I tried growing a website in support of getting married young – it exists now as only a time capsule on Way Back Machine to my first efforts at web design.
See, it’s true that in six month’s time I took a blog on a new domain name with zero content, zero visitors, zero search results and zero revenue to the first page of Google for multiple niches for related keywords, generating thousands of clicks each month, and providing a steady stream of growing revenue.

However, that story of SEO success is 10 years in the making with several failed websites, projects I threw in the towel on, and a wealth of trials and error amidst frustration. See, what SEO experts like to sell you on is their wins. The traditional elevator pitch of SEO is much like I described, “I took X site and had it ranking for X keywords in X time”.
Except, that’s not what I’m selling you. I’m not selling you on my ability to rank your website. I’m selling you all the times I failed, all the mistakes I made, and all the setbacks of SEO I had. Because that’s where the value lies – experience. I’m selling you on my knowledge of ranking a website with a list of SEO failures that a new webmaster is apt to make without a helping hand. is your central Iowa SEO helping hand. I’m here to help your online presence succeed not just through my experiences of success, but also through my years of failure.