Using Email Software
While the webmail available through your web hosting plan is full of a variety of features, many customers may prefer to use an email application such as Outlook, Thunderbird, or other software available for sending and receiving on their phone or computer.
These software can make managing your email more efficient, as they typically provide a more native environment for working with email designed for your device, rather than a generic webmail portal. They can also often incorporate many inboxes from multiple email accounts.
This guide will help you add your email to those applications.
Step 1
Get Your Mail Server Settings

You can find your email server settings inside your web hosting dashboard located at: https://us.cloudlogin.co/mail/
If you don’t already have an email address created, you (or the web administrator of your organization that has access to this page) can create one for you.
An email server is much like a traditional mailbox located at a specific address, whereas the email address is like the person’s room.
So for example, if you want to deliver a letter to the Smith household, you would write on a letter 123 Lane Street and address it to [email protected]. This would ensure the mail (email letter) is delivered to the right address (server) and the right person (email address). If you move properties, this will of course change your address to perhaps 987 George Street, if you were to change email server providers, you have to update the location.
Additionally, if we want to tell someone to grab our mail for us (kind of like what we do when we request an email software to fetch it for us, we have to give the person the correct address to visit and the correct mailbox and any passwords required.
Step 2
Understanding IMAP/POP3 & Secure/Unsecure Settings
You’ll notice on the mail page and the screenshot above that there are two types of settings. Secure SSL and Insecure Non-SSL. It’s always recommended to use the secure settings, as these ensure passwords and information is sent encrypted. Some email software (typically antiquated ones) may have issues with secure connections, so the option is available to use non-SSL connections.
Additionally, you’ll notice there is both an option for IMAP and POP3 ports. It’s generally recommended to use IMAP settings as this syncs inboxes across devices to the server webmail. This ensures a consistent experience from device to device of folders and emails in the correct locations.
If you use POP3, this tends to download the emails away from the server to the local device and thus means that if you check the email on webmail or another device, it won’t be available.
Step 3
Input These Settings into Your Email Software

In most cases, one of the first things email applications will ask you is for the email username and password. This will be the same credentials you use to login to webmail.
In most cases, the email software will try automatically fetch settings by running through various typical settings. If there are any issues, you may need to manually input the settings as provided earlier.
Step 4
Input Server Settings (if Required)

Once you have these settings input, you can now connect to the email server.
Note, it’s important to choose SSL/TLS as the connection type and some email software may not automatically select that.
Step 5
Sync Inbox
Once you have successfully connected, your inbox will begin to sync.
If you have already sent and received emails, those will begin to populate into the specific folders of the email app matching their location on the webmail.
Alternatively, if you are inputting new credentials as a change of service and have existing folders and emails in the mail application that are not on the server, those will begin to be added. This process can take quite a bit of time, so please be patient. Emails will need to be downloaded and uploaded methodically, so it’s recommended to give this process a chance to complete before attempting to add/remove emails and folder structures so that things do not accidentally get lost.
Congrats! Your inbox is not connected. You can repeat this process for as many devices as you need to ensure you can always be on top of business!
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